Rotating soils with legumes
Where applicable the soil in different sections of the ranch have a rotation of two or three annual crops (rye, corn or sorghum) after which they go to alfalfa. The latter has a useful life of approximately 5 years, during which this species incorporates nitrogen from the atmosphere (symbiotic fixation with bacteria present in the roots of the plant), which in turn explains why alfalfa does not need fertilizers. These soils regain fertility during this period.
Energy for water production for animal consumption
All animals drink water pumped up by windmills (wind energy) and solar panels that capture the sun’s energy. The combination of energy sources gives us greater security in supplying the water requirement of the cattle estimated at a total consumption of 90 million litres per year. In this area of high solar radiation, the photovoltaic panels that supply energy to the pumps extract 10,000 liters per hour whereas wind-driven mills deliver 2,000 liters in the same lapse of time.
Energy to produce electricity for human consumption
In Valle Oeste, all the energy used by ranch employees is produced by a mixed system combining windmills with solar panels. This system provides energy for the houses, refrigerators, internet and television, as well as providing drinking water. There is no connection to the public electricity grids, nor is it necessary to use combustion generators.